The Arts

PLC offers musicdance, visual art, and theater as part of the performing arts curriculum. This curriculum is integrated into the core curriculum where possible and is used to enhance learning.

8 Ways Arts Education Benefits Students

  1. Builds a school climate of high expectation, discipline and academic rigor.
  2. Strengthens student problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, adding to overall academic achievement and school success.
  3. Helps students develop a sense of craftsmanship, quality task performance and goal-setting skills, needed to succeed in the classroom and beyond.
  4. Helps troubled youth by providing an alternative to destructive behavior.
  5. Provides a positive way for students to approach learning through historical, biographical and character building skits and plays, as well as incorporating visual arts and written mediums of expression.
  6. Provides another opportunity for parental, community and business involvement with our schools, including arts and humanities organizations.
  7. Helps all students develop more appreciation and understanding of the world around them.
  8. Helps students develop a positive work ethic and pride in a job well done.